K9 1st We encourage you to visits all dog related sites, not just the few listed below, in the hope of providing a better and much broader sense, understanding, and awareness of our canine friends. urbanhound http://www.urbanhound.com/ --------- Emergency Dog Links http://hawaiianlanguage.com/shelties/emergencydoglinks.html --------- Dog-O-Mania http://www.dogomania.com/ --------- doginfo http://www.doginfo.com/ --------- Good Dog Magazine http://www.breeders.com/dmn/gooddog/index.htm Find a Pet misc. http://findapet.net/ First Aid Safety Training http://www.fast-rescue.com/
K9 1st
Find a Pet misc. http://findapet.net/
First Aid Safety Training http://www.fast-rescue.com/
Treasure Knit Gift Ideas http://www.treasureknit.com
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